What is Academic Integrity?
Students at Saint Mary’s University are expected to uphold Academic Integrity (honesty, trust, fairness, respect & responsibility) and be aware of the various forms of Academic Dishonesty, how to avoid them, and the possible consequences of an offence.
Common Forms of Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism -The presentation of words, ideas, or techniques of another as one’s own.
Cheating -The attempt to secure a grade by unethical means or helping another student do so.
Tampering - Altering or hiding University materials/ resources which would deprive others of their use.
Falsification - Use of an altered or false academic record/other records to misrepresent yourself.
The consequences of being found guilty of being involved in Academic Dishonesty include:
Repeat of coursework
Failure of the course
Loss of scholarships
Suspension, Dismissal, or Expulsion from the University.
For more information about what Academic Integrity is, see Academic Regulation 18 in the Academic Calendar.

Academic Integrity Process
What Happens If You Are Charged with Academic Dishonesty
If you are charged with Academic Dishonesty, the professor will submit a report to the Registrar’s office.
The Registrar will determine if it is the first offense. If not, all current and previous documentation will be sent to your faculty’s Academic Integrity Officer.
There is an Academic Integrity Officer for each faculty:
Arts: Dr. Mark Barr
Science: Dr. Mark Fleming
Commerce: Dr. Mahmoud Moh’d
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research: Dr. Nicholas Roulin
Once the Academic Integrity Officer has the documentation, they will try to schedule a meeting with you as part of the investigation. Make sure to agree to a meeting, as saying no will hurt your case.
You are encouraged to seek help from the SMUSA Vice President Academic in preparation for your meeting. A SMUSA representative can accompany you to the meeting.
The Academic Integrity Officer’s investigation will involve interviews with you and the professor. Once a decision has been made, you will be notified. The decision will also be sent to the Registrar, the relevant Dean and Department Chair, and your instructor.
If the Academic Integrity Officer recommends a severe sanction, the case will be raised to the Academic Discipline Officer or the Senate Executive Committee.
Appealing an Academic Integrity Charge
The Appeals Process
If you are unhappy with the Academic Integrity Process’s decision, you can appeal if there was a:
Failure to follow the rules of natural justice
Failure to follow University rules, regulations, and policies
New evidence that was not considered previously
Once you receive the Panel’s decision, you can appeal by submitting a written Notice of Appeal to the Registrar within 10 working days of receiving the decision.
You are encouraged to meet with the SMUSA Vice President Academic to discuss the grounds of appeal and develop your written notice.
Your Rights at the Appeal Hearing:
You are to be given adequate notice about the Hearing and full opportunity to participate.
You can be represented by another individual, including a lawyer.
You can bring witnesses to support your appeal.
You can question the witnesses (brought in by yourself or by the other party).
You can request for the Hearing to be open, limited to 5 observers.
The Registrar will notify you of the decision made by the Panel within 5 working days.
The Panel may deny the appeal, overturn the decision of the original Panel, recommend a re-hearing, or modify the original decision.
The decision of the Academic Discipline Appeal Board is final.
How We Can Help You:
If you have been charged with Academic Dishonesty, we are here to support you. We can help you by:
Attending the meeting with you
Br your student advocate
Help you gather evidence and help you build your appeal package
Make sure all procedures are followed properly